AW17 fall looks by Youngblood

Dagene går unna med skole og fotooppdrag, men her er et lite glimt av bildene jeg tok for makeupmerket Youngblood og This Is PR mandag 4. september. Presse og bloggere ble invitert til frokost i ekte California-stil på Vingen Bar på Tjuvholmen med sunn kost og mineralmakeup for høsten. Det er så gøy å ta bilder av flotte brands og glade folk! Til og med grunnleggeren, Pauline Youngblood, hadde tatt turen til Norge. Hun fortalte hvordan hun før hadde problemhud og slet med å finne makeup som ikke ga henne acne. Pauline valgte å starte eget merke, som er kjent for å være skånsom mot huden.

Bilder: Hanne Erøy
© MIO MEDIA 2017

Makeup founder Pauline Youngblood

The days pass by in full speed with school and photo assignments, but here's a glimpse of the photos I took for the makeup brand Youngblood and This Is PR on Monday 4th of September. Press and bloggers were invited to a 'California style' breakfast at Vingen Bar, Tjuvholmen in Oslo, with healthy food and mineral makeup for the fall. It's so fun to take pictures of great brands and happy people! Even the founder, Pauline Youngblood, had traveled to Norway. She told how she had troubled skin before, and that she had a hard time finding makeup that didn't give her acne. Pauline chose to start her own brand, that is known for being gentle to the skin.

Photos: Hanne Erøy
© MIO MEDIA 2017

'Californian' style breakfast