Ice coffee by Baileys and 'It's Cold Brew'

Jeg trodde jeg hadde smakt god iskaffe, men det var før workshopen til whisky- og kremlikøren Baileys, It's Cold Brew og Polhem PR på Påfuglen i Skippergata fredag 9. juni. Cold Brew (kaldbrygget iskaffe) har tatt av i USA, og Stockholm-gründerne "It's Cold Brew" er de første som har startet trenden i Sverige. Prinsippet er så lett at man kan lage Cold Brew hjemme på eget kjøkken med få hjelpemidler. Vanlig iskaffe er nedkjølt, varmebrygget kaffe. Cold Brew er sakte brygget med kaldt vann i 18-24 timer, så alle syrer forsvinner sammen med den beske og bitre smaken.

Du kan lage Cold Brew selv slik:

1. Finn en stor glasskrukke som rommer 1 liter. Tilsett 2 dl grovmalt kaffe i et tøyfilter og hell litt iskald vann oppi selve filteret og rør litt rundt, slik at du får en noe tykk "paste". Tilsett 8 dl iskaldt vann utenfor filteret oppi et stort glass med lokk. 
2. Skru lokket helt igjen, så ikke det kommer luft inn i glasset. Sett i kjøleskapet og la det kaldbrygge i 18-24 timer.
3. Ta ut glasskrukken fra kjøleskapet og fjern filteret, og hell den kalde kaffen i kaffekopp/glass. Tilsett is i tillegg til melk og/eller Baileys. Du kan i tillegg pynte og tilsette alt fantastien måtte tilby deg. La deg inspirere av bildene i dette innlegget!

Du kan i teorien brukte hvilken kaffe som helst, men en høykvalitetskaffe som ikke er for brent, gir best resultat.

NB: Har du smakt den nye kaffe latten fra Baileys enda? Baileys Iced Coffe Latte ble i mai lansert her i Norge og selges i alle dagligvarebutikker. Den er FARLIG god, bare så det er sagt...

Jeg fant også ut at Baileys original og Baileys Iced Coffee Latte er 100 % glutenfritt, siden whiskyen er destillert, så det ingen spor av verken bygg, rug eller hvete. Hurra!

Bilder: Hanne Erøy
Offisiell fotograf på eventet


The 'It's Cold Brew' crew! They want to make slow and cold brewed ice coffee a big trend in Scandinavia.

I was sure I had tasted good ice coffee, but that was before the workshop of the whiskey and cream liqueur Baileys, It's Cold Brew and Polhem PR at Påfuglen in Skippergata on Friday 9th of June. Cold Brew (cold brewed ice coffee) is very trendy in the US. The Stockholm founders of 'It's Cold Brew' are the first to start the trend in Sweden. The way to brew is so easy that you can make Cold Brew home in your own kitchen with very few utilities. Ordinary ice coffee is cooled hot-brewed coffee. Cold Brew is brewed with COLD water for 18-24 hours, so all acids disappears together with the harsh and bitter taste.

You can make Cold Brew yourself like this:

1. Find a big glass jar that holds 1 liter. Add 2 dl of coarsely ground coffe in a cloth filter and add some ice cold water into the filter as well, and stir carefully around, until you get a slightly thick 'paste'. Add 8 dl of ice cold water outside the filter in a big glass jar with a lid.
2. Close the lid completely, to make sure no air escapes the jar. Put the coffee jar in the refrigerator and let the coffe brew slowly for 18 to 24 hours.
3. Take out the glass jar from the refrigerator and remove the filter. Pour the cold coffee in a cup/glass. Add ice cubes in addition to milk and/or Baileys. You can also add all your imagination offers, and you can seek inspiration in these photos.

Theoretically, you can use any coffe, but a high quality coffe that is not too burned gives the best result.

P.S: Have you tasted the coffee latte from Baileys yet? Baileys Iced Coffee Latte was launched in May here in Norway and is sold in all grocery stores. It's DANGEROUSLY tasty, just so you know...

I also found out that Baileys original and Baileys Iced Coffee Latte is 100 % gluten free, because the whisky distilled, so there's no traces of either barley, rye or wheat. Yey!

Photos: Hanne Erøy
Official photographer at the event


To BIY (Brew It Yoursel), you'll need a jar like this or similar with a lid.

You can use a high quality coffe like Daterra, and it's important that it's not too burned. Baileys Iced Coffee Latte is perfect to add before serving the icy 'Cold Brew'.


Use a coffee cloth filter like this. It should have a closing function, so you can tighten the thread and close the cloth filter.

Add coarsely ground coffee (2 dl).

 Add just a small amount of ice cold water.

 Stir around carefully until you get a slightly thick paste.

 Close the cloth filter.

Add 8 dl of ice cold water. Close the lid afterwards and put in the refrigerator for 18-24 hours.

 You should put on a sticker and write the date and time you made it before you put the jar inside the refrigerator, because the Cold Brew tastes good for THREE WEEKS after you made it, as long as you keep it in the refrigerator all the time.

You can add all the ingredients you want - for instance these accessories. Whipped cream and cherries are my favourite!

 This Cold Brew ice coffe is made with Baileys Iced Coffee Latte, that can be bought in all grocery stores in Norway.


Fabolous blogger Nnenna Echem even matched the straw!


Baileys Iced Coffee Latte can be bought in all grocery stores in Norway. It's delicious! I can vouch for it.

Nora Alba shows her 'holy' homemade Cold Brew.

There's actually a non-electrical Cold Brew ice coffee machine on the market: DRIPSTER.

Designer Nina Jarebrink found the stairs to Baileys' heaven.