Spread your wings, it's Sunday

Det finnes vel få ting som gjør meg mer rolig enn å våkne til saltvannslukt og kilende bris gjennom vinduet. I familien har vi to hytter ved sjøen, og jeg prøver å reise dit så ofte jeg kan i sommerhalvåret. Jeg kunne gjerne tenkt med søndager hele uka - hvor jeg bor i den myke silkekimonoen fra norske byTiMo. Mamma og jeg hadde en liten photoshoot forrige helg, og her er første antrekk. Jeg gleder meg til å bruke disse vakre hælene fra Helene Westbye under Oslo Runway til uka.

Bilder: Liv Betty Nilsen
© Fashion in Oslo 2016

Kimono: byTiMo. Shoes: Helene Westbye. Black dress: H&M.

There's few things that makes me more calm than to wake up to a scent of salt water and a tickling breeze through the window. In my family, we have two cottages by the sea, and I try to travel there as often as I can during the summer. Actually, I wouldn't mind Sundays all week - where I would wrap myself into the soft silk kimono from the Norwegian designer brand byTiMo. My mum and I had a photo shoot last weekend, and here's the first outfit post. I'm also looking forward to use these beautiful heels from Helene Westbye during Oslo Runway next week.

Photos: Liv Betty Nilsen
© Fashion in Oslo 2016

 New heels from the Norwegian designer Helene Westbye.