Presskontakterna AW16: Fringy fall and floral fantasies


Presskontakterna inviterte til fest og trendspotting onsdag 20. april under presseuken. Den største gjennomgående tendensen var semsket skinn i nøytrale høstpalletter som kakigrønt, burgunder og sennepsgult. Tommy Hilfiger imponerte med en særdeles gjennomført maritim stil med spennende print. Exuviance og Jane Iredale hadde stands med makeup og skjønnhetsbehandling for hender.

© Fashion in Oslo 2016  

Tommy Hilfiger

Presskontakterna invited to a party and trend spotting on Wednesday 20th of April during the press week. The biggest consistent trend is suede leather in neutral fall colors like khaki green, bordeaux and mustard yellow. Tommy Hilfiger impressed with an particularly pristine marine style with exciting prints. Exuviance and Jane Iredale had stands with makeup and beauty treatment.

© Fashion in Oslo 2016

Fashion Editor for Stylista, Annette Haga

Heidi Klum via Bare Philosophy at Steen & Strøm Department Store

Foundations with suncreen from Exuviance.

Jane Iredale

Jane Iredale

Two Norwegian men are behind the elegant watch brand Harper & Brooks.

A little flowers to keep the summer living on long into the weeks of fall...

L'Agent Provocateur via Bare Philosophy at Steen & Strøm Department Store.

Frost jewelry

Magi jewelry



Gina Tricot SS16

Dry Lake


My favorite underwear brand from Stella McCartney via Bare Philosophy at Steen & Strøm Department Store

Syster P

RAW Jewellery

Tommy Hilfiger

Tommy Hilfiger

Tommy Hilfiger - perfection in the details!

Tommy Hilfiger


Front Society Shoes

Front Society Shoes


I look forward to test this Yogi Tea! Amazing goodiebag treats...