Den anerkjente bloggeren Celine Aagaard (Hippie Hippie Milkshake) delte sine sommerstylingtips på Lindex-kundekveld i flaggskipbutikken på Karl Johan torsdag 4. juni. This Is PR sørget for utmerket musikk og Lindex ga kundene 20 % rabatt på alle varer. Bertine Zetlitz holdt minikonsert med låter fra sitt nye, norske album Tikamp. Celine hadde på seg en kjempestilig kaftan - perfekt for strand og sommer!
© Fashion in Oslo 2015
Bertine Zetlitz
The renowned blogger Celine Aagaard (Hippie Hippie Milkshake) shared her summer styling tips on a Lindex shopping night at the flagship store in Oslo on Thursday 4th of June. This Is PR made sure the music was excellent and Lindex gave the customers 20 % discount on all items. Bertine Zetlitz held a mini concert with songs from her new, Norwegian album Tikamp. Celine wore a cool caftan - perfect for summer and the beach!
© Fashion in Oslo 2015
Hvit dress er HOT i sommer! A white suit is HOT this summer!
Freshe barneklær / Cool children's wear