EVY sunscreen mousse: Easy applying

Det kommer stadig bedre solkremer på markedet som fokuserer på anti-aldringsteknikk, mye fuktighet og lett påføring. Jeg har prøvd EVY Technology Daily UV Face Mousse SPF 30, og er imponert over hvor fort den trekker inn i huden, hvor lett den er å smøre ut og hvor lite fet man blir i huden. Det går an å bruke den under sminken også. Jeg har brukt den mye i sola nå, uten å bli solbrent.

EVY-moussen er spesielt innrettet mot å bekjempe forurenset luft i byer, slitasje fra sminke, tørt inneklima og sterk sol - noe som er typisk her i Norge. Den inneholder en rekke vitaminer og naturlige ingredienser som trekker inn i det ytterste hudlaget og som motvirker aldringstegn og solskader. Den er også svetteresistent og vannfast! 

EVY Technology selges på EVY Technology Webshop og hos KICKS. Daily UV Face Mousse koster 199 NOK.

Bilder: Hanne Erøy
© Fashion in Oslo 2017

There's often launched better sunscreens at the marked that focus on anti-age technology, a lot of moisture and easy apply. I've tested the EVY Technology Daily UV Face Mousse SPF 30, and I'm impressed by how fast it melts into my skin, how easy it is to apply and how non-greasy it is. You can wear it under your makeup too. I've used it a lot in the sun now, without getting sunburned.

The EVY mousse is especially targeted to fight the polluted air in cities, wear and tear from makeup, a dry indoor air quality and very strong sun - typical for Norway. It contains a lot of vitamins and natural ingredients that melts into the outer skin layer and counteracts signs of aging and damage from the sun. It's also sweat resistant and waterproof!

EVY Technology is sold at EVY Technology Webshop and at KICKS. Daily UV Face Mousse costs 199 NOK.

Photos: Hanne Erøy
© Fashion in Oslo 2017

This amount is enough for your whole face. A non-retouched photo of myself with no makeup...

One of my summer favourites!