Letters of luxury: Burberry Monogramming

Den dyktige bloggeren Celine Aagard ( og luksuskjeden Group 88 arrangerte "Burberry Monogramming Event" i det engelske merkets vakre butikk i Nedre Slottsgate 9 torsdag den 13. oktober. Gjestene kunne se hvordan monogram-ekspert Simone Lone fra Burberry-butikken i København lager lekre initialer live i gull og "blind" (uten farge, kun trykt nedover i skinnet). Ved kjøp av produkter i butikken er monogrammering gratis til og med lørdag denne uken.

Celine Aagard samarbeider med Burberry og stilte i lekker genser og veske, brukt som "rumpetaske", på eventet. Hun hintet om julegavetips, viste frem de siste nyhetene brakt rett fra catwalken og fortalte hvor godt hun selv liker produktene. Hun fortalte også om da hun tok feil pass og plutselig stod flau og fast på flyplassen:

—Derfor er det så smart å monogrammere passetuiet fra Burberry, for da vil du aldri ende opp med din kjærestes eller manns pass på flyplassen! Jeg ville også gått for den signalrøde fargen, for da er passet lett å finne fordi det synes så godt inni vesken eller bagasjen, tipset stylingeksperten og bloggeren. 

Bilder: Hanne Erøy
© Fashion in Oslo 2016

Envelope blogger Celine Aagaard displays two passport cases from Burberry.

The skilled blogger Celine Aagaard and the luxury chain Group 88 hosted 'Burberry Monogramming Event' in the English brand's beautiful store in Nedre Slottsgate 9 in Oslo on Thursday 13th of October. The guests could see how the monogram expert Simone Lone from the Burberry store in Copenhagen made lovely letters live in gold and 'blind' (no color, only pressed onto the leather). If you buy products in the store, the monogramming is for free until Saturday this week.

Celine Aagard collaborates with Burberry, and was dressed in a cool sweater and handbag, used as a fanny pack, at the event. She hinted about Christmas presents, displayed news brought straight from the catwalk and told how much she herself likes and enjoys the products. She also told a story about when she took the wrong passport and discovered the mistake when she was at the airport:

— Therefore, it's smart to monogram the passport case from Burberry, because then you'll never end up with your boyfriend's or husband's passport at the airport! I would also choose the signal red color, because then it's easy to see the passport case inside your handbag or luggage, the styling expert and blogger suggested.

Photos: Hanne Erøy
© Fashion in Oslo 2016

 The two types of Burberry monogramming: Golden letters or 'blind' letters (without color).

 Many luxury oriented guests.

Simone Lone from the Burberry store in Copenhagen is a monogram expert. 

 The iconic Burberry pattern.

I love Celine's Burberry handbag - used as a fanny pack! It's three in one - handbag, clutch (remove the strap) and fanny pack. Very convenient!

This Burberry clutch is very smart for traveling!

Blogger Sophie Elise nails that smart look!

Marte Krogh now designs her own clothing brand, Komabymarte. At the Burberry event, she wore a wonderful handmade jacket designed by herself!
 Marte also looked really good in this Burberry jacket!

These letters say 'LOVE' in English.

This was borrowed straight from the catwalk...

Uniform jackets and coats are very trendy this season.

 Lottery for a Burberry treat!

 ...and the winner is...

...Julianne Fjørtoft from Anti As! She won a lovely Burberry notebook.