Kenzo x H&M preview party

Singer and Kenzo x H&M campaign girl Anna of the North.

Gjør deg klar for tidenes fargebonanza! 3. november lanseres den kule Kenzo x H&M-kolleksjonen online og i 250 butikker verden rundt. Presse og bloggere fikk oppleve kolleksjonen på nært hold allerede fredag 21. oktober med preview party og live-opptreden fra kampanjepike Anna of the North. Det finnes også noen mer nedtonede plagg - både for herre og dame. Printene er ekstremt gode - ikke minst stylingen som dere ser her fra H&Ms showroom i Oslo!

I Norge selges Kenzo x H&M i følgende butikker fra 3. november kl. 08.00 (slippes på nett til samme tid):

H&M Karl Johan
H&M Oslo City
H&M Man i Grensen
H&M Gården (Bogstadveien 11)

Resten av landet:
H&M Trondheim Torg
H&M Galleriet i Bergen
H&M Kvadrat i Stavanger

Bilder: Hanne Erøy 
© Fashion in Oslo 2016 

Make ready for the color bonanza of our time! On November 3rd at 8 am, the cool Kenzo x H&M collection will be launched online and in 250 stores around the world. Press and bloggers were so lucky to experience the collection up close already on Friday 21st of October with a preview party and live perfomance from campaign girl Anna of the North. There's also some more relaxed and classic items - for both women and men. The prints are extremely good - not to mention the styling you see here from H&M's showroom in Oslo!

Photos: Hanne Erøy 
© Fashion in Oslo 2016 

  Hege Golf is a wild animal in town ;-D

 Anna of the North performing - it was so wonderful to listen :-)

Beauty blogger Chioma

 Anna of the North

 These girls know how to style it up!

 Blogger Stephanie was born for this dress...

Me in a more relaxed colored coat from Kenzo x H&M. Me like! Brooch from Fretex, silk scarf from Rokit Vintage and velvet shoes from Superga. Photo: Kristin Fjeld from H&M.

Men can also use this jacket - Rune Atoche proves that!

Clothing rack with the men's collection

 I just love this Kenzo x H&M silk scarf!

Look how great these completely different colors work together!

Cuties! Bloggers Chioma (left) and Tsutsumi

This dress is like made for blogger and Top Model TV presenter Janka Polliani!

My favorite no. 1

My favorite no. 2

 My favorite no. 3

 My favorite no. 4

 My favorite no. 5 (from the men's collection)

Kenzo x H&M men

Kenzo x H&M men

Kenzo x H&M men