By the Blitzbox photo booth er en av de mest populære nettmagasinene innen mote, skjønnhet og livsstil. Onsdag 8. september arrangerte de en sensommerfest i en vakker villa bak slottet. Minglefesten ble arrangert i samarbeid med Specsavers, John Frieda, Spalt PR og Vingruppen. Her er noen bilder av freshe motefolk! is one of the most popular online fashion, beauty and lifestyle magazines. On Wednesday 8th of September, they hosted a 'late' summer party for the fashion squad in a wonderful villa behind the Norwegian Royal Castle. The mingle mixer was hosted in collaboration with Specsavers, John Frieda, Spalt PR and Vingruppen (Arcus Wine Brands). Here's some photos of the trendy guests!
John Frieda styling Ina Einarsdóttir (left)
Go'Grilla sweet potato fries! YUM!