J.L.B by James Lazar Braathen SS16: Royal romance

Publikum fikk se et eventyr på catwalken i Gamle Logen i Oslo onsdag 16. mars. Kroner, blonder og gull utstråler akkurat den luksus og eleganse J.L.B by James Lazar Braathen er så kjent for. Han er en mester til å leke med kontrastene sexy mot elegant. Detaljene vitner om et vannvittig høyt nivå av håndarbeid. SS16-kolleksjonen minner om en kongsdatter som bryter ut av tradisjonene og frigjør seg selv.

© Fashion in Oslo 2016

The audience saw a fairytale on the catwalk in Gamle Logen in Oslo on Wednesday 16th of March. Crowns, lace and gold radiate the luxury and elegance J.L.B by James Lazar Braathen is so known for. He's a mastermind playing with the contrasts sexy versus elegant. The details witness of an extremely high level of needlework. The SS16 collection reminds of an heiress and daughter's king breaking out of tradition and setting herself free.

© Fashion in Oslo 2016

Designer James Lazar Braathen!

 Blogger Karine Marlen (left) in Bitte Kai Rand AW16 coat.

Sporty blogger Jeanette (!

I wore a playsuit and cardigan from HALLHUBER (borrowed) and shoes from Helene Westbye.

Svitlana & James

James and his husband Bjørn Vidar!

Artist Sandra Jensen in an amazing costume. Self-made crown with champagne caps and rulers!

DJ Marianne Jemtegård & James