Doggy style: Bastards & Blue Bloods by BvB

 Baron von Bulldog with Einar - a French Bulldog

Kjell Nordström aka Baron von Bulldog has designet klær i 35 år - men nå lanserer han klær og tilbehør for hunder for aller første gang. Lørdag 13. februar var tobeinte og firbeinte sjarmtroll samlet i hundebutikken Pet Shop Girls ved Alexander Kiellands plass for å se de vakre hundeklærne i ull, mikrofiber, organisk bomull og hamp. Det beste er at stoffet tar til seg hundens egen lukt - som gjør at de fort elsker å ha på seg klærne. Komplett kolleksjon lanseres i samarbeid med Pet Shop Girls til høsten, men noen samples finnes allerede nå.

- Tanken bak Bastards & Blue Bloods by BvB er at det skal være designet på hundens premisser. Klærne er tilpasset de forskjellige rasene. Vi lar hundene være ambassadører. Vi slipper ingenting ut på markedet før de har prøvd ut designet. Hvis de ikke logrer eller er happy, så kommer det ikke ut på markedet, forklarer designer Baron von Bulldog.

Tre ting er viktig med Bastards & Blue Bloods by BvB-merket: 
1: Selve designet er tilpasset ulike rasers forskjellige kropper, størrelser og farger. 
2: Halen forteller hvem hunden er, så snittet går opp i rumpen. Det skal være god plass. Kjønnsorganene er også blottet, så de skal kunne tisse og bæsje fritt. 
3: God plass ved forbeina, så hundene kan bevege seg fritt.

 © Fashion in Oslo 2016

Matching accessories for the dog and it's owner.

Short summary in English:

Kjell Nordström aka Baron von Bulldog has designed clothes for 35 years - but now he launches clothes and accessories for dogs for the very first time. On Saturday 13th of February, two-legged and four-legged charmers were gathered at the pet store Pet Shop Girls near Alexander Kielland's place in Oslo to see the beautiful dog clothes in wool, microfiber, organic cotton and hemp. The best is that the fabric absorbs the dog's own scent, so that they soon grow to love the clothes. A complete collection will be launched in the autumn this year in collaboration with Pet Shop Girls.

© Fashion in Oslo 2016

Meet and greet

Double trouble in Bastards & Blue Bloods by BvB.

Maja - Unni Askeland's ten year old pug.

 Quality in every stich!

Stian Grytten (left) and Jacob Kedja with Einar - a French Bulldog (5) with his own Instagram account, @einarthefrenchie, with over 17 000 followers! The owners love the design and cool dog clothes - which they say remind of the Filippa K and Acne style.

Morris (6) is a mix of French Bulldog and Pug. Owner Tiina Kaltiainen thinks it's amazing that the design is functional and non-synthetic. She's looking forward to test the clothes on her dog.

 Peik is a two year old Australian Jack Russel Terrier. The owner Geir Steinkjær thinks it's great with good fabrics that don't pinch and have good space for the pee-pee. 

 Debbie the Maltese (2) and her owner Camilla D. Meyer. Camilla thinks the tweed clothes and accessories are cool!

André Bengtson regularly babysit Stig (6) - a Miniature Schnauzer with salt and pepper color. Owner Marianne says he likes the clothes so well that he won't take them off. 


 Baron von Bulldog with Hector - an almost two years old Miniature Schnauzer.
Pet Shop Girls shopkeeper Vigdis Johnsen (lef), Baron von Bulldog and Marianne - Stig's owner.


 Michelle Orme and Baron von Bulldog.

 Børre Olsen and his 'Pet Shop Girls'.

 Lovely details...