Torsdag 23. april åpnet Tory Burch sin nye shop in shop i første etasje på Steen & Strøm i Oslo. Den amerikanske designeren har blitt verdensberømt for sitt firkantede emblem. Hun lager vesker og sko for kvinner med klassisk stil - perfekt for business og selskaper. Designet er såpass nøytralt at tilbehøret fungerer med alt en kvinne har i garderoben sin. Elegant og brukervennlig!
© Fashion in Oslo 2015
On Thursday 23rd of April, Tory Burch opened a new shop in shop at the first floor at Steen & Strøm in Oslo. The American designer has become famous for her square emblem. She makes handbags and shoes for women with a classic style - perfect for business and festivities. The design is fairly neutral and fit with everything a woman has in her wardrobe. Elegant and versatile!
© Fashion in Oslo 2015