"Brudeparet" Børre Olsen og Linni Meister strålte på catwalken utenfor restauranten The Edge på Tjuvholmen torsdag 14. august. Hvitkledde gjester var samlet for å se årets høstkolleksjon fra SO-B by Børre Olsen. De nøt også en treretters middag omgitt av Børre Olsens spektakulære statementsmykker. Modell, blogger og programleder Linni Meister er kampanjemodelll for SO-B denne sesongen. Den glamorøse divastilen er uten nykker - dette er smykker for de med selvtillit og
bein i nesa.
Tekst: Hanne Erøy
Bilder: Dmitry K Valberg
The "wedding couple" Børre Olsen and Linni Meister were shining at the catwalk outside the restaurant The Edge at Tjuvholmen in Oslo on Thursday 14th of August. Guests dressed in white were gathered to see the fall collection from SO-B by Børre Olsen. They enjoyed a three course dinner surrounded by Børre Olsen's spectacular statement jewelry. Model, blogger and TV presenter Linni Meister is the campaign model for SO-B this season. The glamorous diva style is without arrogancy - this is jewelry for those with self confidence and guts.
SO-B Fall Collection 2014 consists of bracelets and necklaces decorated with precious materials, sparkling gemstones and pearls. The main colors are black and white, but the jewelry pieces are spiced up with touches of purple, turquoise, green, yellow, pink and blue. The very popular jewelry designer recently designed a collection for the gambling giant Betsson.
Text: Hanne Erøy
Photos: Dmitry K Valberg
Børres datter Sadie gikk modell. / Børre's daughter Sadie walked as a model.