Oslo Fashion Week - Opening show - Part 2

Armando Santos

Hele 13 norske designere fikk vise smakebiter fra sine kolleksjoner under åpningen av Oslo Fashion Week tirsdag.

Blant dem var Fam Irvoll, TSH, Moods of Norway, Armando Santos, iiS of Norway, Sadoni Couture, Leash, Mariette, Bulls Safari, Green Square.

Min favoritt blant disse er Armando Santos. Det er mye hvite og jordfargede toner, men også innslag av sterke farger.

13 Norwegian designers showed pieces from their collections under the Oslo Fashion Week opening on Tuesday.

Among them were Fam Irvoll, TSH, Moods of Norway, Armando Santos, iiS of Norway, Sadoni Couture, Leash, Mariette, Bulls Safari, Green Square.

My favourite among these is Armando Santos. There´s a lot of white and earthly tones, but also glimpses of bright colors.



Bulls Safari

Fam Irvoll - Little Cupcakes

iiS of Norway

Moods of Norway



Sca Ulven


Sadoni Couture

Lillunn Design of Norway

Green Square